
Zambesi at Sunset

The Real Africa: The Guide to Victoria Falls & Devil’s Pool

    Already surprised about the not-so-friendliness but pretty high “Africanness” of Nambia (complicated processes, no working systems, waiting forever for everything), we started our planned detour to Zambia – not for the country but for the famous Victoria Falls and swimming in the Devil’s Pool – enjoying life on the edge. Bianca was very […]
Spitzkoppe Safari Car Cover Picture

Swakopmund to Etosha: “From the Moon to Animal Utopia”

After our days in the Sesriem area of Namib-Naukluft National Park, we continued to Etosha National Park. As it is a very long journey, we decided to go to the area around Swakopmund and then go further to Etosha. The drive from Sesriem to Swakopmund takes around 5 hours and is rather straight, bumpy as […]
Dead Vlei in Sesriem Cover

Dune 45 & Dead Vlei – Best of Namib Desert

    After our time in South Africa had come to an end after 3 weeks, we continued our journey to the next country in Africa we planned to explore, Namibia. We spent our last night in South Africa in Joburg (what Johannesburg is called by its inhabitants), in the rather nice student quarter Braamfontein, […]
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